Worship - ON-LINE or IN-PERSON

Submitted by webtech on Tue, 01/03/2023 - 17:56


St-James Hall for Worship
The front of our informal hybrid worship space in the St-James Hall

Each Sunday we worship both in person and on-line at 10:30 a.m.

With the devastating fire at St-James, where we were enjoying the use of the hall, we are now worshipping in the home of one of our members.  To get location information, text our minister at in the area code 514, and the rest of the number 817-0132

The on-line component is on Zoom.  For information, including a way to request the Zoom link, click here.

Worship is at 10:30, but people gather between 10:15 and 10:30.  There is a coffee hour after worship for those interested.

Church Under Constuction - Église en construction

Submitted by webtech on Fri, 11/17/2023 - 16:09
Church with construction fence around it
Cote Church - October 19, 2022

We have big plans for the Cote Church.

You are invited to go to our construction 'blog' for the latest updates, as well as a description of the complete project

Go to www.wyman-united.ca

And.... while we await the completion of the project in the first half of 2024, we continue to worship in the St-James Hall every Sunday morning at 10:30, and we are available around the world via Zoom -

For information for Zoom, click here.