Worship - ON-LINE or IN-PERSON

Submitted by webtech on Tue, 01/03/2023 - 17:56


St-James Hall for Worship
The front of our informal hybrid worship space in the St-James Hall

With the devastating fire at St-James' Anglican Church, we are wandering once again.  Best to sign up for our e-mails!

  • On Sunday, MAY 26, we will base our worship at the Hudson Creative Hub, 273 Rue Main, Hudson, QC J0P 1H0.  This is what was known as the St-Mary's Church Hall
  • On Sunday, June 2 - based at the Hub.
  • Sunday, June 9 - on-line only  (Communion)
  • Sunday, June 16 - based at the Hub
  • Sunday, June 23 - on-line only
  • Sunday, June 30 - based at the hub


Some choose to mask when we are in-person.


The on-line component is on Zoom.  For information, including a way to request the Zoom link, click here.

Worship is at 10:30, but people gather between 10:15 and 10:30.  There is a coffee hour after worship for those interested.

Church Under Constuction - Église en construction

Submitted by webtech on Fri, 11/17/2023 - 16:09
Church with construction fence around it
Cote Church - October 19, 2022

We have big plans for the Cote Church.

You are invited to go to our construction 'blog' for the latest updates, as well as a description of the complete project

Go to www.wyman-united.ca

And.... while we await the completion of the project in the first half of 2024, we continue to worship in the St-James Hall every Sunday morning at 10:30, and we are available around the world via Zoom -

For information for Zoom, click here.